I've been trying to create a mock sample data set to use on a report in design-time; basically, it's a simple class that with a public static function that returns an object with a property that contains a List generic collection containing additional objects.
When binding this object in the NeedDataSource event handler, it works when binding to the object itself; however, I implemented a SubReport in the master report to list the objects contained in the List collection. Here's where the problem gets blurry.
I implemented a NeedDataSource on the report (contained in the master report as a subreport) that assigns the List collection of objects to the report. I then use the binding syntax to bind to the object's properties, but the expression does not return a value, rather it's blank. The number of displayed table cells matches the number of objects in the List collection, but no values of fields are displayed.
Example: object in List contains the "Ime" property; neither =Ime or =Fields.Ime displays the value. Also, using just any binding expression doesn't result in an error (like =Foo).