I'm wondering if there is a way to set a fixed height to the bars in a barseries. For example, instead of the bars changing height in the following example, I'd like them to stay up with a fixed height.
The desired outcome would look something like this:
The xaml I used fort the example is this:
<telerik:BarSeries ShowLabels="False"
<telerik:CategoricalDataPoint Category="Apples" Value="20"/>
<telerik:CategoricalDataPoint Category="Bananas" Value="28"/>
<telerik:CategoricalDataPoint Category="Oranges" Value="17"/>
<telerik:CategoricalDataPoint Category="Strawberries" Value="30"/>
<telerik:LinearAxis x:Name="horizontalAxis1"/>
Is this possible using the BarSeries? Any help is appreciated.
Thank You,