There are some errors in the French translation for RadMap:
- MapCanvasDarkCommand should be "Fond sombre"
- MapCanvasGrayCommand shoud be "Fond gris"
- MapCanvasLightCommand should be "Fond clair"
- MapOsmTransportCommand should be "Transports"
- MapRoadCommand should be "Routes"
- MapRoadOnDemandCommand should be "Routes sur demande"
- MapShadedReliefCommand should be "Reliefs ombrés"
- MapTerrainBaseCommand should be "Terrain"
- MapTopographicCommand should be "Topographique "
- MapWestChar should be "O"
Note that the "mile" abbreviation is officially "mi" and not "ml", which stands for "milli liter", also wrong in English and perhaps. in other languages.
For the first 3 resources (and some others...), I've never see them in the control, so I'm not sure whether they are really used...