Hello, Im new to coding in general and am trying to label the columns in a chart. I have the chart displaying the data i want, but all the labels are 1,2,3, etc. for each column. I tried using the code below but without much coding experience im not sure how to use it. I think i need something before it to make it work but im not sure. Im also not sure where in the code this should go, does it go in the general .cs file for Telerik Reporting Item or does it go in the "details" section where the chart is located? if i can provide any more info please ask.
Chart.PlotArea.XAxis.AutoScale = false; Chart.PlotArea.XAxis.AddRange(1, 7, 1); Chart.PlotArea.XAxis[0].TextBlock.Text = "Mon"; Chart.PlotArea.XAxis[1].TextBlock.Text = "Tue"; Chart.PlotArea.XAxis[2].TextBlock.Text = "Wed"; Chart.PlotArea.XAxis[3].TextBlock.Text = "Thu"; Chart.PlotArea.XAxis[4].TextBlock.Text = "Fri"; Chart.PlotArea.XAxis[5].TextBlock.Text = "Sat"; Chart.PlotArea.XAxis[6].TextBlock.Text = "Sun";