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AutoLayout issue after adding items to GraphSource

2 Answers 130 Views
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Dominik asked on 18 Aug 2020, 02:34 PM


I tried adding a node and a link to the GraphSource. It worked but after this operation, the diagram layout seems to have been reset even though the AutoLayout property is set to True.


using System;
using System.Windows;
using radDiagramTest.ViewModels;
using Telerik.Windows.Diagrams.Core;

namespace radDiagramTest
  public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()

      ClassificationGraphViewModel viewModel = RootGrid.Resources["ViewModel"] as ClassificationGraphViewModel;

      ClassificationDiagram.GraphSource = viewModel?.GraphSource;

      ClassificationDiagram.Loaded += ClassificationDiagram_Loaded;
      ClassificationDiagram.AutoFit( new Thickness( 10 ), false );

    private void ClassificationDiagram_Loaded( Object _sender, RoutedEventArgs _e )
      TreeLayoutSettings settings = new TreeLayoutSettings
        TreeLayoutType = TreeLayoutType.TreeDown,
        HorizontalSeparation = 300d,
        VerticalSeparation = 75d

      settings.Roots.Add( ClassificationDiagram.Shapes[0] );

      ClassificationDiagram.Layout( LayoutType.Tree, settings );
      ClassificationDiagram.AutoLayout = true;
      ClassificationDiagram.IsEditable = false;

NodeViewModel.cs (node custom view model where the Add button is)

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
using radDiagramTest.ViewModels;
using Telerik.Windows.Controls.Diagrams.Extensions.ViewModels;

namespace radDiagramTest
  public class NodeViewModel : HierarchicalNodeViewModel
    public NodeViewModel( ClassificationGraphViewModel _parent )
      m_Parent = _parent;

      AddNodeCommand = new SimpleCommand( AddNodeCommandHandler );

    public ICommand AddNodeCommand { get; set; }
    public String Name { get; set; }

    private void AddNodeCommandHandler()
      NodeViewModel newNode = new NodeViewModel( m_Parent ) { Name = "New Node" };
      m_Parent.GraphSource.AddNode( newNode );

      LinkViewModel newLink = new LinkViewModel( this, newNode ) { Name = "New Edge" };
      m_Parent.GraphSource.AddLink( newLink );

    private readonly ClassificationGraphViewModel m_Parent;

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 21 Aug 2020, 01:21 PM

Hello Dominik,

The reported behavior appears because by default the RadDiagram auto layout feature uses the default layout settings of the diagram. So, when you add/remove items in the GraphSource, the default settings kick-in and the layout looks different than the expected. To resolve this, you can use the LayoutAsync() instead of Layout() method. This way your settings will be cached and used later by the auto layout feature.

 ClassificationDiagram.LayoutAsync( LayoutType.Tree, settings );

Martin Ivanov
Progress Telerik

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answered on 21 Aug 2020, 02:00 PM

Hi Martin,


Problem fixed :)!

Thanks for your help

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
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