I am using a RadCartesianChart plotting a CandlestickSerie to it with a DateTimeCategoricalAxis and a LinearAxis.
I enabled the ChartPanAndZoomBehavior both on the horizontal mode.
When I plot, let's say, 200 candles the LinearAxis maximum and minimum are somewhat consistent with the candles min/max (but still I'd like to have it more fit). But if I zoom in, the LinearAxis min/max is not updated to fit best what is now displayed.
How can I get the current min / max of the DateTimeCategoricalAxis? I understand that there is no direct option to do so, but can I do it using the PanOffset or something else? Because with the min / max of the DateTimeCategoryAxis it would be very easy to programatically adjust the min / max of my LinearAxis.
I put two screen without zoom and with zoom where you can see that the LinearAxis min / max is not updated and I highlighted around where I'd like to have it (basically it's a function of the displayed high/low of the serie)