Hi there,
I have this piece of code
dataTextField: "dom_display_name", // The widget is bound to the "name" field
dataSource: DOCMAN.USERS,
valid: false,
select: function (e) {
var value = e.item.text()
var returnOBJ = DOCMAN.USERS.filter(function (obj) {
return obj.dom_display_name === value
this.options.valid = true
}, dataBound: function (e) {
console.log(" initAffectedDOCS DataBound ", e.sender.options.dataSource)
I get the Popup with the data some times and sometimes I don't get any Popup. Is there any way to find out why and what's causing this to happen. One other thing to note is that locally I have less data like 10-15 values but in production I have around 5000 values. The problem only happens in production.