From what have seen it's easy to apply this kind of filter to a RadGridView (Country and Capital are the columns):
Country.Contains("France") AND (Capital.Contains("Paris") OR Capital.Contains("London")) -> this will give us 1 row (France, Paris)
What about if I want to do:
Country.Contains("France") OR (Capital.Contains("Paris") OR Capital.Contains("London")) -> so I would get 2 row (France, Paris; England, London)
I read the below pages but I couldn't find a solution for this. Can I do it in some how?
From what have seen it's easy to apply this kind of filter to a RadGridView (Country and Capital are the columns):
Country.Contains("France") AND (Capital.Contains("Paris") OR Capital.Contains("London")) -> this will give us 1 row (France, Paris)
What about if I want to do:
Country.Contains("France") OR (Capital.Contains("Paris") OR Capital.Contains("London")) -> so I would get 2 row (France, Paris; England, London)
I read the below pages but I couldn't find a solution for this. Can I do it in some how?