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Aligning the properties in the grid

6 Answers 248 Views
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Imran asked on 17 Jul 2014, 05:56 PM
Hi Team,

I am doing auto generate properties to false and providing my own property definitions.
The issue is the text box in my data template are not properly align some are of small size some are big based on the text.
I want it to be properly aligned like " stretch" when I resize the grid they should get resized properly and all will be of equal length.
 Also I want the splitter in the grid should uniformly separate the propert name from its value.

could le you help me achieve this

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answered on 19 Jul 2014, 06:02 PM
Could any body provide any inputs..
Telerik team
answered on 21 Jul 2014, 04:26 PM
Hi Imran,

I am not sure what is the desired behaviour that you want to get. May I ask you to provide a simple image illustrating your scenario. 

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

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answered on 01 Sep 2014, 07:18 AM
Hi Yoan,

I am facing the same problem. I have a custom type editor template which has a button and aligned right. But since I have a string property with a value of 38 characters, the button on the custom property editor disappear because of the horizontal scrolling on the property grid. I've attached a picture showing what happens if I decrease the width of the property grid.

Please advice on how to fix this problem.


Telerik team
answered on 03 Sep 2014, 03:05 PM
Hi Semih,

Thank you for the provided image. May I ask you to share what you expect to happen? As I understand when you decrease the Width of RadPropertyGrid the horizontal scrollbar appears. This behaviour is expected and it is by design. Can you provide us an image illustrating the desired effect?

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answered on 03 Sep 2014, 03:16 PM
Hi Yoan,

Thanks for the reply. Because of the content of the textbox is too long, the width of the textbox gets too long and scrollbars appear as I dont want it to be.

 I want the width of the textbox(or other input control) to changed according to the width of the property grid,  rather than keeping its size and resulting in the scrollbars to show up.  

Please find the desired functionality illustration.
Telerik team
answered on 03 Sep 2014, 03:45 PM
Hi Semih,

So you want to synchronize the width of editor's TextBox with the width of PropertyGridField. Generally, there is no easy way for achieving this functionality. However, I have attached a sample project showing a possible approach.

I hope this helps.

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