The below code is used to give the user the option for adding formatted text. Like in excel, when the user is adding contents to right footer, the cursor starts from the right. Similarly, i want the cursor to start from the right for the below text box.
For the center footer text box, the contents should get aligned center. Please help me in this regard.
<telerik:RadRichTextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="TxtRightFooterBox" IsSpellCheckingEnabled="False" IsContextMenuEnabled="False" IsSelectionMiniToolBarEnabled="False"
DocumentInheritsDefaultStyleSettings="True" GotFocus="TxtRightFooterBox_OnGotFocus" Visibility="Visible" Width="175" Height="125" Margin="5">
<telerik:Paragraph FontSize="10">
<telerik:Span FontFamily="Arial" Text=" " FontSize="10" />
The below code is used to give the user the option for adding formatted text. Like in excel, when the user is adding contents to right footer, the cursor starts from the right. Similarly, i want the cursor to start from the right for the below text box.
For the center footer text box, the contents should get aligned center. Please help me in this regard.
<telerik:RadRichTextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="TxtRightFooterBox" IsSpellCheckingEnabled="False" IsContextMenuEnabled="False" IsSelectionMiniToolBarEnabled="False"
DocumentInheritsDefaultStyleSettings="True" GotFocus="TxtRightFooterBox_OnGotFocus" Visibility="Visible" Width="175" Height="125" Margin="5">
<telerik:Paragraph FontSize="10">
<telerik:Span FontFamily="Arial" Text=" " FontSize="10" />