I have 4 textboxes that correspond to a multi-select dropdown parameter. The space for the textboxes is a set width on my report. Depending on which options you choose from the parameter dropdown, the other textboxes visibility will toggle on and off. I have also set the width of the text boxes to change depending on how many are selected (if 2 options are selected, each is 1/2 of the given space. If 3 are selected, each will be 1/3 of the space.
My problem now is I need to set the location of the textboxes depending on what is chosen. If the first and third text box are shown and the second and fourth are hidden, the first and third will each be half of the space. BUT I would need the third box to scoot over against the first. Now, it stays at its original location and creates whitespace, causing the 3rd box to go onto a second page.
box1 box2 box3 box4
Is there a way to make box 3 move to the left up against box1 if box 2 is hidden?