I have an Angular App that muss send an authorization header within every request that makes to the server.
When defining the kendo datasource, I've added the header field:
this._tableData = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
cache: true,
url: `${this.baseUrl}/uiobjects/_search`,
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
type: "POST",
headers: {'Authorization': this.header}
Allowing me to fill the kendo grid with data, but for one of the rows I've defined a template:
template: `<div class='title'><div class='pic'><img src="#:_links.previewdata.href#" alt="thumbnail"></div><span>#: title #</span></div>`
and there makes another request to the server in order to grab the image.
My problem here, is that I am not being able to set this authorization header for these request. Angular interceptors doesn't work because they are not made through $http.
Is there any clean way to intercep these request, or to add a Header??