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Adding a TOC to Report Book programmatically

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Hari asked on 09 May 2019, 09:18 AM

I have a report book which I create through C# code. I want to have a single TOC covering all the reports in the report book. 

Following this ( I started creating a TOC but this article ( says to add TocReportSource of ReportBook programmatically. But the problem is it doesn't have any example of how to do that. Can you add a sample code of how to achieve this..


//Report Book
var reportBook = new ReportBook();
//Cover Page
var coverPageReportSource = new InstanceReportSource();
var coverPagereport = new CoverPage(reportId)
    DocumentName = "Cover Page Report"
coverPageReportSource.ReportDocument = coverPagereport;
//TOC Page
var tocPageReportSource = new InstanceReportSource();
var tocPagereport = new FirstPage()
    DocumentName = "toc Page Report"
tocPageReportSource.ReportDocument = tocPagereport;
//Image Report
var imagesReportSource = new InstanceReportSource();
var imagesDatareport = new ImageReport()
    DocumentName = "Image Report"
imagesReportSource.ReportDocument = imagesDatareport;
var instanceReportBookSource = new InstanceReportSource
    ReportDocument = reportBook
var reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
var renderingResult = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", instanceReportBookSource, new Hashtable());

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answered on 14 May 2019, 07:39 AM
Hi Hari,

Adding a TOC to a Report Book is demonstrated in our Report Book demo which you can find locally at the installation folder of our Reporting tool - by default this would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting [Version]\Examples\CSharp\ReportLibrary\ReportBook.

Note that the TOC should be included in a separate report.
1) For that reason, create a new report. Right-click outside of the report and select Table of Contents
2) Configure its Title, Levels, and Styles as described in the Table of Contents article. 
3) When it comes to adding TocReportSource of  ReportBook programmatically the code might look as follows:

void AddTocTemplate()
    var tocReportSource = new TypeReportSource();
     tocReportSource.TypeName = typeof(ReportBookToc).AssemblyQualifiedName;
     this.TocReportSource = tocReportSource;

Note that the TOC Report should be added as TocReportSource and not as a regular report.

4) You also need to add all reports - for example through the following method:

void AddReports()
    this.ReportSources.Add(new TypeReportSource
        TypeName = typeof(Report1).AssemblyQualifiedName

5) The methods should be called in the constructor of the report book. Finally the ReportBook class might look as follows:

namespace ReportLibrary
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using Telerik.Reporting;
    public class ReportBook : Telerik.Reporting.ReportBook
        public ReportBook()
        void AddTocTemplate()
            var tocReportSource = new TypeReportSource();
            tocReportSource.TypeName = typeof(ReportBookToc).AssemblyQualifiedName;
            this.TocReportSource = tocReportSource;
        void AddReports()
            this.ReportSources.Add(new TypeReportSource
                TypeName = typeof(Report1).AssemblyQualifiedName
        // add more reports here

6) You might want to set the Toc Text property of each report and the corresponding inner level sections/items, which is going to be added in the report book TOC.

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