I have a Kendo Grid as in code below - I have a View column which calls a javascript function.
I want to add an action url to a custom data attribute i.e. data-actionurl on the column. In the javascript function I will then get the data attribute and redirect to that page.
Is this possible?
I want to add an action url to a custom data attribute i.e. data-actionurl on the column. In the javascript function I will then get the data attribute and redirect to that page.
Is this possible?
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Command(command => command.Custom("View").Click("viewRevisedHouse")).Width("85px").HtmlAttributes( new {@data-actionurl=Url.Action('AjaxAdd', 'HouseFee', new {Oid = '#=Oid#'})}); //Error here
columns.Command(command => command.Custom("View").Click("viewRevisedHouse")).Width("85px"); // This works fine
columns.Bound(p => p.Oid).Visible(false);
columns.Bound(p => p.ApplicationDate).Format("{0:dd/MMM/yyyy}").Title("Application Date");
columns.Bound(p => p.RevisedHouseReason).Title("Revised Reason");
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Events(e => e.Error("handleAjaxError"))
.Read(read => read.Action("RevisedHouses_GridRead", "House", new {originalHouseOid= Model.Entity.Oid }))