I need to have some drill-down reports in my web site and i got to know about the telerik report limitations regarding that matter recently
before finding that i tried to work around it using active regions but was stone walled after some tries
I have attached a sample demo code of my failed test with this and I would like to hear from any one who have successfully achieved the task. If anyone get any ideas of a work around after reading this post please be kind enough to share it with everyone
Thank you
before finding that i tried to work around it using active regions but was stone walled after some tries
I have attached a sample demo code of my failed test with this and I would like to hear from any one who have successfully achieved the task. If anyone get any ideas of a work around after reading this post please be kind enough to share it with everyone
Thank you
private void chart1_NeedDataSource(object sender, System.EventArgs e) |
{ |
string connectionString = "Data Source=sab-srv-mds001; Database=datahub1; User ID=sa;Password=abc@123"; |
string command = "select RangeMax from AmountRange"; |
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command, connectionString); |
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); |
adapter.Fill(dataSet); |
ArrayList itemSet = new ArrayList(); |
foreach (DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows) |
itemSet.Add(row[0]); |
ChartSeries series01 = new ChartSeries("series 01", ChartSeriesType.Bar); |
ChartSeries series02 = new ChartSeries("series 02", ChartSeriesType.Bubble); |
int j = 0; |
ArrayList indexSet=new ArrayList(); |
while (j < dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count) |
{ |
if (itemSet[j] != System.DBNull.Value) |
{ |
series01.AddItem(Convert.ToDouble(itemSet[j])); |
series02.AddItem((Convert.ToDouble(itemSet[j]))+5); |
indexSet.Add(j); |
//series01.Items[series01.Items.Count - 1].ActiveRegion.Tooltip = "series 01" + (Convert.ToDouble(itemSet[j])).ToString(); |
//series02.Items[series02.Items.Count - 1].ActiveRegion.Tooltip = "series 02" + (Convert.ToDouble(itemSet[j])).ToString(); |
//series01.Items[series01.Items.Count - 1].ActiveRegion.Tooltip = "onclick=\"alert(test01);\""; |
//series02.Items[series02.Items.Count - 1].ActiveRegion.Tooltip = "onclick=\"alert(test02);\""; |
} |
j++; |
} |
this.chart1.Series.Add(series01); |
this.chart1.Series.Add(series02); |
this.chart1.Series[0].Items[(int)indexSet[0]].ActiveRegion.Url = @"C:\Demo Projects\Reports\ExportDemo\Default2.aspx"; |
this.chart1.Series[0].Items[(int)indexSet[0]].ActiveRegion.Tooltip = "tooltip01"; |
this.chart1.Series[0].Items[(int)indexSet[0]].ActiveRegion.Attributes = @"onmouseoveralert('popup01')"; |
this.chart1.Series[0].Items[(int)indexSet[1]].ActiveRegion.Url = @"C:\Demo Projects\Reports\ExportDemo\Default.aspx"; |
this.chart1.Series[0].Items[(int)indexSet[1]].ActiveRegion.Tooltip = "tooltip02"; |
this.chart1.Series[0].Items[(int)indexSet[1]].ActiveRegion.Attributes = @"onmouseoveralert('popup02')"; |
} |