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New to Telerik Reporting

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dondon asked on 06 Jan 2014, 12:41 AM
Dear *.*

Sir, Good Day!

I am a newbie in Telerik Reporting,I am Using WebForms in VStudio2010 SP1..
Here is my problem
1. I have a WebForms (vb code) "webform1.aspx" with textbox control and a button control, and the other form is "webform2.aspx" with the Telerik Reporting control "Reportviewer"... here the scenario, how to pass the value of textbox in my "webform1.aspx" to my "webform2.aspx"

Please provide me a simple code using vb .... I am using Telerik Report Q1 2011

Thank's a lot sir and more power.... I like this product

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answered on 09 Jan 2014, 08:08 AM
Basically you have to pass the values needed to the other aspx page and you can do this via the query string, using HTTP Post information, using session, etc. All the possible options you can find in this How to MSDN article.
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