I'm not talking about 'How to: Create a Multi-Column Report'
For example I have 15 columns, then I want to show first 8 at one page, other 7 on another page
And when I add textBoxes on Telerik.Reporting.DetailSection, data on my textBoxes correctly move on page 1 and page 2, but column names are in Telerik.Reporting.PageHeaderSection and won't to move on next page
How can I fix it?
Q1 2013 build
I'm not talking about 'How to: Create a Multi-Column Report'
For example I have 15 columns, then I want to show first 8 at one page, other 7 on another page
And when I add textBoxes on Telerik.Reporting.DetailSection, data on my textBoxes correctly move on page 1 and page 2, but column names are in Telerik.Reporting.PageHeaderSection and won't to move on next page
How can I fix it?
Q1 2013 build