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Parameter is Not Valid Error

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Kishore asked on 30 Nov 2011, 08:21 AM
For the past few days I am fighting with the Not valid error in telerik reports, I am getting Parameter is Invalid error when generating the chart with huge data. if we reduce the data the chart is rendering fine.

Currently I am using  Telerik Reports of

  •  V5.1.11.713 
  •  RunTime Version v2.0.50727

Any help is greatly appreciated

another exception that we faced id GDI+ failed exception

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Telerik team
answered on 30 Nov 2011, 10:37 AM
Hello Kishore,

We would appreciate if you elaborate on how to reproduce this problem on our end. First where does the problem occur - in some of the report viewers or upon exporting/printing? How huge is your data and how do you bind the chart item? What is the operating system and do you have a large number of report items? What data calculations (aggregates, conditional formatting) you utilize, what is the rendering media, the size of the generated document (if this occurs upon export)? Large data or large number of items requires additional resources in terms of powerful CPUs, and enough memory to handle all the operations.

Does the problem occur when you upgrade to the latest Q3 2011 release?

the Telerik team

Q3’11 of Telerik Reporting is available for download. Register for the What's New in Data Tools webinar to see what's new and get a chance to WIN A FREE LICENSE!

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answered on 30 Dec 2011, 10:11 AM

Hi Steve,

thank you for your reply.,
Still the issue isnt resolved, we verified with Q3’11 of Telerik Reporting & Q2’11 of Telerik Reporting. Find the system Environment info

Processor: Intel P(R) D 2.79Ghz
Ram: 4GB

Development : VS2010 Professional / Silverlight 4
Browsers verified: IE 8+, Chrome & mozilla

Current Issues :

  • Getting parament not valid error for 1500+ bars in bar/column chart
  • Getting Genric GDI+ error and IIS is getting crashed while Viewing, exporting and printing the report for 1000+ bars.
  • Zoom mode is varying for page to page view of 1000+bar data chart[for ex in page 1 for normal view it requires 45% and for another page displaying empty page with the same zoom factor].

Find the enclosed sample code for more information and suggest us the proper settings so that the report is correctly rendered  Waiting for your reply.

#region [Assemblies References]
using System;
using Telerik.Reporting;
using Telerik.Reporting.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Telerik.Reporting.Charting;
using Telerik.Reporting.Charting.Styles;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
namespace Telerik.Reports
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for Report1.
    /// </summary>
    public partial class SampleEvaluationsReport : Telerik.Reporting.Report
        DataTable dtResults = new DataTable();
        #region [Constructor]
        public SampleEvaluationsReport()
            //Providing the DataSource event for the report         
            //Adidng tempary columns
            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                dtResults.Columns.Add(" Column " + i.ToString(), i == 0 ? typeof(string) : typeof(int));
            //Dumping temp data to the data table
            for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++)
                Random r = new Random();
                dtResults.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Chart Series "+i.ToString(),
                                                  r.Next(100) }
            //Call the chart generator method
            generateChart(dtResults, 1, 2);
        #region [generateChart]
        private int formatedLabelmaxlength = 0;
        private int formatedLabelmaxdepth = 0;
        /*  ************************/
        /*   Methos to provide custom word wrap for X-Axis[labels with long text, as we are facing alignment issues wit the default settings]
        /* ***********************/
        private string formatTextWrap(string sourceText)
            int divider = 80;
            string[] sourceTextlist = sourceText.Split(' ');
            int lineCount = 0;
            string strResultText = string.Empty;
            string strLine = string.Empty;
            foreach (string strWord in sourceTextlist)
                if (strLine.Length < divider)
                    strLine += strWord + " ";
                    formatedLabelmaxlength = formatedLabelmaxlength < strLine.Length ? strLine.Length : formatedLabelmaxlength;
                    formatedLabelmaxlength = formatedLabelmaxlength < strLine.Length ? strLine.Length : formatedLabelmaxlength;
                    strResultText += strLine + "\n";
                    strLine = string.Empty;
            if (strLine.Length > 0)
                strResultText += strLine;
            formatedLabelmaxdepth = formatedLabelmaxdepth < lineCount ? lineCount : formatedLabelmaxdepth;
            return strResultText;
        private void generateChart(DataTable dtResults, int chartType, int GraphType)
            ChartSeriesType CurrentChartType = ChartSeriesType.Bar;
            ChartSeriesOrientation ChartOrientation = ChartSeriesOrientation.Vertical;
            float reportWidth = 5;
            float reportHeight = 8;
            float xAxisMargin = 0f;
            float xAxisLableMargin = 0f;
            int xAxisRotationAngle = 0;
            AlignedPositions xAxisTextAlignedPositions = AlignedPositions.Left;
            AlignedPositions xAxisLabelAlignedPositions = AlignedPositions.Top;
            AlignedPositions xAxisAxisLabel = AlignedPositions.Top;
            #region Format Data
            for (int i = 0; i < dtResults.Rows.Count; i++)
                dtResults.Rows[i][0] = formatTextWrap(dtResults.Rows[i][0].ToString());
            #region Graph Type
            switch (chartType)
                case 1://Column
                    CurrentChartType = ChartSeriesType.Bar;
                    ChartOrientation = ChartSeriesOrientation.Vertical;
                    xAxisTextAlignedPositions = AlignedPositions.Left;
                    xAxisLabelAlignedPositions = AlignedPositions.Top;
                    xAxisAxisLabel = AlignedPositions.Top;
                    xAxisRotationAngle = 270;
                case 2: //Bar
                    CurrentChartType = ChartSeriesType.Bar;
                    ChartOrientation = ChartSeriesOrientation.Horizontal;
                    xAxisTextAlignedPositions = AlignedPositions.Left;
                    xAxisLabelAlignedPositions = AlignedPositions.Right;
                    xAxisAxisLabel = AlignedPositions.Left;
                    xAxisRotationAngle = 0;
                case 3: //Line                   
                    CurrentChartType = ChartSeriesType.Line;
                    ChartOrientation = ChartSeriesOrientation.Vertical;
                    xAxisTextAlignedPositions = AlignedPositions.Left;
                    xAxisLabelAlignedPositions = AlignedPositions.Top;
                    xAxisAxisLabel = AlignedPositions.Top;
                    xAxisRotationAngle = 270;
                default: break;
            int totalBarCount = dtResults.Rows.Count * (dtResults.Columns.Count - 1);
            int maxXAxisTextlength = formatedLabelmaxlength > 80 ? 80 : formatedLabelmaxlength;
            GetChartProperties(ChartOrientation, totalBarCount, maxXAxisTextlength, ref reportWidth, ref reportHeight, ref  xAxisMargin, ref xAxisLableMargin);
            #region Chart Formating
            this.chartGeneric.Skin = "Mac";
            this.chartGeneric.AutoLayout = false;
            this.chartGeneric.AutoTextWrap = false;
            this.chartGeneric.BitmapResolution = 96F;
            this.chartGeneric.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png;
            this.chartGeneric.ChartTitle.Visible = false;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Appearance.Position.X = 0;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Appearance.Position.Y = 0;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Chart.Appearance.Position.X = 0;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Chart.Appearance.Position.Y = 0;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.EmptySeriesMessage.TextBlock.Text = "There is nothing to display";
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.AxisLabel.Visible = true;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.YAxis.AxisLabel.Visible = true;
            this.chartGeneric.SeriesOrientation = ChartOrientation;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.AxisLabel.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins = new ChartMargins(0);
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.AxisLabel.Appearance.Dimensions.Paddings = new ChartPaddings(0);
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.AutoShrink = false;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.AutoScale = false;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.TextAppearance.MaxLength = 255;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.TextAppearance.AutoTextWrap = AutoTextWrap.False;
            this.chartGeneric.Appearance.TextQuality = TextQuality.SystemDefault;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.Color = Color.Black;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.LayoutMode = ChartAxisLayoutMode.Between;
            this.chartGeneric.DefaultType = CurrentChartType;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.AxisLabel.TextBlock.Text = dtResults.Columns[0].ColumnName;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.YAxis.AxisLabel.TextBlock.Text = "(in numbers) ";
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Top = 50;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Right = 250;
            this.chartGeneric.Appearance.BarWidthPercent = totalBarCount > 5 ? 100 : 20;
            this.chartGeneric.Appearance.BarOverlapPercent = -10;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.AxisLabel.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Left = new Telerik.Reporting.Charting.Styles.Unit(5);
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.TextAppearance.Position.AlignedPosition = xAxisTextAlignedPositions;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.LabelAppearance.Position.AlignedPosition = xAxisLabelAlignedPositions;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.AxisLabel.Appearance.Position.AlignedPosition = xAxisAxisLabel;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.LabelAppearance.RotationAngle = xAxisRotationAngle;
            this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Left = 50;
            if (ChartOrientation == ChartSeriesOrientation.Vertical)
                this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Left = 50;
                this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Bottom = xAxisMargin;
                this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.TextAppearance.Dimensions.Margins.Bottom = xAxisLableMargin;
                this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Left = xAxisMargin;
                this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Bottom = 50;
                this.chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.TextAppearance.Dimensions.Margins.Left = xAxisLableMargin;
            #region Legend Formating
            this.chartGeneric.Legend.Appearance.Position.AlignedPosition = AlignedPositions.TopRight;
            this.chartGeneric.Legend.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins = new ChartMargins(5);
            this.chartGeneric.Legend.Appearance.Dimensions.Paddings = new ChartPaddings(5);
            this.chartGeneric.Legend.Appearance.Overflow = Overflow.Column;
            this.chartGeneric.Legend.Appearance.Dimensions.Width = 75;
            this.chartGeneric.Legend.Appearance.ItemTextAppearance.AutoTextWrap = AutoTextWrap.True;
            this.chartGeneric.Legend.Appearance.Location = LabelLocation.OutsidePlotArea;
            this.chartGeneric.Legend.Appearance.ItemTextAppearance.Position.AlignedPosition = AlignedPositions.Top;
            #region Chart Series
            chartGeneric.DataSource = dtResults;
            List<ChartSeries> chartSeries = new List<ChartSeries>();
            chartGeneric.PlotArea.XAxis.DataLabelsColumn = dtResults.Columns[0].ColumnName.Trim();
            for (int counter = 1; counter < dtResults.Columns.Count; counter++)
                ChartSeries series = new ChartSeries()
                    DataYColumn = dtResults.Columns[counter].ColumnName,
                    Name = dtResults.Columns[counter].Caption,
                    YAxisType = ChartYAxisType.Primary,
                    Type = chartGeneric.DefaultType
                series.Appearance.LabelAppearance.LabelLocation = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.Styles.StyleSeriesItemLabel.ItemLabelLocation.Inside;
                if (ChartOrientation == ChartSeriesOrientation.Vertical)
                    series.Appearance.LabelAppearance.Position.AlignedPosition = AlignedPositions.Top;
                    series.Appearance.LabelAppearance.Position.AlignedPosition = AlignedPositions.Right;
                series.Appearance.BarWidthPercent = 90;
                series.Appearance.TextAppearance.TextProperties.Color = Color.Black;
                series.Appearance.TextAppearance.Dimensions.Margins = new ChartMargins(0);
                series.Appearance.TextAppearance.Dimensions.Paddings = new ChartPaddings(0);
            // add the series to the chart, chart to page.
            #region Chart Dimensions
            this.chartGeneric.Docking = DockingStyle.None;
            this.chartGeneric.Appearance.Position.AlignedPosition = AlignedPositions.Center;
            this.chartGeneric.Location = new PointU(new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit(0), new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit(0));
            this.chartGeneric.Width = new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit(reportWidth, Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.UnitType.Inch);
            this.chartGeneric.Height = new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit(reportHeight, Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.UnitType.Inch);
            #region Page Dimensions
            this.PageSettings.PaperKind = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.Custom;
            this.PageSettings.PaperSize = new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.SizeU(new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit(reportWidth + 0.5, Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.UnitType.Inch), new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit(reportHeight + 1.0 + this.pageHeaderSection1.Height.Value, Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.UnitType.Inch));
         * manually caluculation for the chart margin's, width & height based on the x-axis label text length
         * ********************************/
        private void GetChartProperties(ChartSeriesOrientation objChartOrientation, int totalBarCount, int maxXAxisTextlength, ref float reportWidth, ref float reportHeight, ref float xAxisMargin, ref float xAxisLableMargin)
            if (objChartOrientation == ChartSeriesOrientation.Horizontal)
                float tempwidth = reportWidth;
                reportWidth = reportHeight;
                reportHeight = tempwidth;
            xAxisMargin = (maxXAxisTextlength * 7) + 60;
            xAxisLableMargin = (maxXAxisTextlength * 6) + 10;
            if (objChartOrientation == ChartSeriesOrientation.Vertical)
                if (maxXAxisTextlength > 50)
                    reportHeight += (float)(6 - (reportWidth - (maxXAxisTextlength * 0.0625)));
                if (formatedLabelmaxdepth < totalBarCount)
                    if (totalBarCount > 5)
                        //reportWidth += (float)reportWidth + (totalBarCount - 3) / 9;
                        reportWidth += (float)reportWidth + (totalBarCount * .3f);
                    if (formatedLabelmaxdepth > 3)
                        reportWidth += (float)reportWidth + (formatedLabelmaxdepth * .1f);
                if (maxXAxisTextlength > 50)
                    reportWidth += (float)(8 - (reportWidth - (maxXAxisTextlength * 0.0625)));
                if (formatedLabelmaxdepth < totalBarCount)
                    if (totalBarCount > 5)
                        // reportHeight += (float)reportHeight + (totalBarCount - 5) / 9;
                        reportHeight += (float)reportHeight + (totalBarCount * .3f);
                    if (formatedLabelmaxdepth > 3)
                        reportHeight += (float)reportHeight + (formatedLabelmaxdepth * .1f);

Kishore V

Telerik team
answered on 04 Jan 2012, 01:49 PM
Hi Kishore,

Thank you for the sample code which helped us reproduce the problem on our end. I've logged the problem in our bug tracking system and we would look into it for subsequent version of the product.

Generally have in mind that while the product was designed to be easily customizable and feature rich it does not cope well with extremely busy charts or rendering a lot of graphs on a single page. We are continually improving performance as we go but still the bottom line is that it is targeted for casual situations which do not require a performance or memory solution. There is a trade off to make between high customization and performance/memory footprint and we've gone the rich features path as it is what most of our customers are interested in.

Additionally we're not really sure of the real world case/usage of such a long chart i.e. it certainly cannot be printed on a regular printer and is hard to look at and make conclusions as well. Can you elaborate why you need such chart, what printer you use to print it and does anyone actually look at the chart in the report or exported formats?

Your Telerik points have been updated for bringing this to our attention.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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