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2nd column will not show (even in print preview mode)

3 Answers 102 Views
Report Designer (standalone)
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Garrett asked on 28 Oct 2013, 09:30 PM
Hi there,

I have a page 8.1 inches with margins .2 inches all around. I have also tried with 8 inch page.

Second column will not work. I have tried 8" page, 7" page, no margins, 1" margins, etc. Whatever I do it does not work. I have also tried removing the header and that did nothing. I have attached a pic of what it looks like in PP mode.

Here is my report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report DataSourceName="sqlDataSource1" Width="8.1in" Name="guestlist" SnapGridSize="0.1in" xmlns="">
    <BorderWidth Default="0in" />
    <SqlDataSource ConnectionString="STRINGNAME" SelectCommand="select * from guestlist order by lastname" Name="sqlDataSource1" />
    <DetailSection Height="1.8in" Name="detail">
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        <TextBox Width="0.9in" Height="0.2in" Left="0.15in" Top="0.07in" Value="Name:" Name="textBox1">
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        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="0.3in" Value="=Fields.Guests" Name="textBox11">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="Solid" Left="None" Right="None" />
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            <Padding Left="0.03in" />
        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="0.5625in" Value="=Fields.Children" Name="textBox12">
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        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="0.8in" Value="=Fields.Street" Name="textBox13">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
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        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="1in" Value="=Fields.City + ", " + Fields.State + " " + Fields.Zip " Name="textBox14">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="Solid" Left="None" Right="None" />
            <BorderColor Top="Black" Bottom="Black" Left="Black" Right="Black" />
            <BorderWidth Top="1pt" Bottom="1pt" Left="1pt" Right="1pt" />
            <Font Size="9pt" />
            <Padding Left="0.03in" />
        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="1.25in" Value="=Fields.Phone" Name="textBox15">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="Solid" Left="None" Right="None" />
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            <Padding Left="0.03in" />
        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="1.5in" Value="= Fields.Email" Name="textBox16">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
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    <PageSettings PaperKind="Letter" Landscape="False" ColumnCount="2" ColumnSpacing="0in">
        <MarginsU Left="0.2in" Right="0.2in" Top="0.2in" Bottom="0.2in" />
      <BorderWidth Default="0in" />

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Telerik team
answered on 31 Oct 2013, 03:56 PM
Hi Garrett,

We have reviewed the report definition and noticed that the report width is 8 inch. In order to set up correctly the multicolumn report you have to re-size the report to match the desired width of the columns. You can do this visually or by setting the Width property of the report in the Properties window.

For more information check out the How to: Create a Multi-Column Report help article. Additionally you may find useful our Product Tag demo report that came with your Telerik Reporting installation


Have you tried the new visualization options in Telerik Reporting Q2 2013? You can get them from your account.

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answered on 19 Nov 2013, 06:41 PM
Hi Peter,

sorry for the late reply.

I have tried setting the report at various widths. The column is set to 4 inches wide, if I set the report to 8.1 with left and right margins of .2 to total 8.5 there is still only 1 column on the screen when there should be 2 columns with an extra .1 of space on the side (since there is no space between the columns).
Telerik team
answered on 22 Nov 2013, 09:50 AM
Hi Garrett,

The following XML report definition is created based on the provided by you XML. We have set the Report.Width to 5in, set the Report.PageSettings.Landscape to true and Report.PageSettings.Margins to zero inches each:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report DataSourceName="sqlDataSource1" Width="5in" Name="guestlist" SnapGridSize="0.1in" xmlns="">
    <BorderWidth Default="0in" />
    <SqlDataSource ConnectionString="AdventureWorks" SelectCommand="select top(100) firstname, lastname, 10 as guests, 6 as children, 1 as street, 1 as city, phone, 10 as email, 1 as state, 1000 as zip from" Name="sqlDataSource1" />
    <DetailSection Height="1.8in" Name="detail">
        <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="None" Left="None" Right="None" />
        <BorderColor Top="Black" Bottom="Black" Left="Black" Right="Black" />
        <BorderWidth Top="1pt" Bottom="1pt" Left="1pt" Right="1pt" />
        <TextBox Width="0.9in" Height="0.2in" Left="0.15in" Top="0.07in" Value="Name:" Name="textBox1">
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            <BorderWidth Top="1pt" Bottom="1pt" Left="1pt" Right="1pt" />
            <Font Size="9pt" />
        <TextBox Width="0.9in" Height="0.2in" Left="0.15in" Top="0.3in" Value="Guest Name:" Name="textBox4">
          <Style TextAlign="Right" VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="None" Left="None" Right="None" />
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            <Font Size="9pt" />
        <TextBox Width="0.9in" Height="0.2in" Left="0.15in" Top="0.8in" Value="Address:" Name="textBox6">
          <Style TextAlign="Right" VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="None" Left="None" Right="None" />
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            <Font Size="9pt" />
        <TextBox Width="0.9in" Height="0.2in" Left="0.15in" Top="1.25in" Value="Phone:" Name="textBox8">
          <Style TextAlign="Right" VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="None" Left="None" Right="None" />
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            <Font Size="9pt" />
        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="0.0700000151991844in" Value="=Fields.FirstName + ' ' + Fields.LastName" Name="textBox10">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="Solid" Left="None" Right="None" />
            <BorderColor Top="Black" Bottom="Black" Left="Black" Right="Black" />
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            <Padding Left="0.0299999993294477in" />
        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="0.3in" Value="=Fields.Guests" Name="textBox11">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="Solid" Left="None" Right="None" />
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            <Padding Left="0.03in" />
        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="0.5625in" Value="=Fields.Children" Name="textBox12">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="Solid" Left="None" Right="None" />
            <BorderColor Top="Black" Bottom="Black" Left="Black" Right="Black" />
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            <Padding Left="0.03in" />
        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="0.8in" Value="=Fields.Street" Name="textBox13">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="Solid" Left="None" Right="None" />
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            <Padding Left="0.03in" />
        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="1in" Value="=Fields.City + ', ' + Fields.State + ' ' + Fields.Zip " Name="textBox14">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="Solid" Left="None" Right="None" />
            <BorderColor Top="Black" Bottom="Black" Left="Black" Right="Black" />
            <BorderWidth Top="1pt" Bottom="1pt" Left="1pt" Right="1pt" />
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            <Padding Left="0.03in" />
        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="1.25in" Value="=Fields.Phone" Name="textBox15">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="Solid" Left="None" Right="None" />
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            <Padding Left="0.03in" />
        <TextBox Width="2.80000025431315in" Height="0.2in" Left="1.10000014305115in" Top="1.5in" Value="= Fields.Email" Name="textBox16">
          <Style VerticalAlign="Middle">
            <BorderStyle Top="None" Bottom="Solid" Left="None" Right="None" />
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        <PictureBox Width="7.7000002861023in" Height="0.799960613250732in" Left="0.199999968210856in" Top="0.0999999865889549in" Sizing="ScaleProportional" MimeType="image/png" Name="pictureBox1" />
    <PageSettings PaperKind="Letter" Landscape="True" ColumnCount="2" ColumnSpacing="0.2in">
        <MarginsU Left="0in" Right="0in" Top="0in" Bottom="0in" />

Please compare both XML definitions and test the settings in your report.


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