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Pie Chart

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mmp asked on 14 Mar 2010, 10:08 PM

I am trying to get a pie chart to work similar to your sales dashboard demo. 
I am using the following sql:
"SELECT SUM(Value) AS [Sum], C.Name FROM (Category AS C INNER JOIN Subcategory AS SC ON C.Id=SC.Category_id) INNER JOIN [Data] AS D ON SC.ID=D.SubCategory_Id WHERE [Year]=@Year GROUP BY C.ID, C.Name ORDER BY C.ID"

For the series property I am using name as the DataLablesColumn and sum as the DataYColumn

However, when i run the report I see the name in both the legend as well as the pie chart section. What property do i need to set to see the sum on the chart and the name on the legend.

Also do you have a video of the pie chart design? The one on telerik tv is for bar charts and I see that pie charts are quite different in implemetation.


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answered on 18 Mar 2010, 10:23 AM
Hello mmp,

Currently it is not possible to bind the series item names which are shown in the legend to a data column. The only way to achieve this functionality for a pie chart is to create the series and the items programmatically. Please, check the following thread for a possible solution.

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