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With our Q3 2014 release the Assembly Minifier tool became obsolete due to its many known limitations.  There are other approaches for minimizing your XAP which are much better and using such a tool is inconvenient. Please refer to this blog post to understand why we decided to discontinue the Minifier and learn more about the more convenient approaches that we suggest you implement instead.

In short we will no longer maintain, fix or improve the Minfier tool but it will still exist in its current location and users will still be able to use it as it is.
Telerik Admin
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 asked on 01 Dec 2014
3 answers
Hello. My project has a number of telerik Silverlight DLLS which together are consuming much space to downloading the application. I'm trying to use the Telerik Minifier in some of them, such as: 


Most over 1 Mega size, taking so much time to download. 

But when I select a DLL to open in Minifier, nothing happens. I've tried in Internet Explorer 11, Chrome, FireFox and in nothing happens. 

The version of my DLLS is 2012.3.1129.1050 

Please, I really need to reduce the size of these files. How can I fix this? 

Pavel R. Pavlov
Telerik team
 answered on 13 Nov 2014
3 answers
After I select my assemblies to upload I see the treeview load with the assembly details for a split second and then it disappears.  I ran fiddler and noticed there are two MinifierService.svc calls.  The first looks like it is uploading the files and returns the list of objects.  The second call sends the list of objects but returns with a 500 http error.

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><s:Body><s:Fault><faultcode xmlns:a="">a:InternalServiceFault</faultcode><faultstring xml:lang="en-US">The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error.  For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the &lt;serviceDebug&gt; configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.</faultstring></s:Fault></s:Body></s:Envelope>
Telerik team
 answered on 17 Sep 2014
19 answers

When I try to upload a .dll for extraction it does nothing.
What I did:
1) Choosing 'Minify Telerik Assemblies'
2) Choosing the file Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll from my local machine
3) Click open and then ... nothing happens.

I'm using the latest Telerik Controls (internal Build).

Thank you for your help.
Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
 answered on 13 Jun 2014
6 answers
Hi all,
I have one question i was trying to use the feature of silverlight whihc is reduce xap file size by using application library caching, 
i have two systems one one i had telerik installed and on another i didnt had telerik installed.
When i build the solution on the system having telerik installed everything worked like charm , but when i build up on the system which dont have telerik installed the xap size grew very large as it inlcluded all the telerik dlls inside it.

So ideally this should not happen i then tried everything zipping down individual dlls and altering the appManifest.xaml file and adding external part but nothing works.

So is how to use application library caching on a system where we dont have telerik installed.
Same rule applies for any other third party assembly.

One solution which is obvious and comes to mind is install the third party assembly files in the global assembly cache that too i tried but its of no help

Can you sugggest me any solution to this problem.

Aashish Gupta
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 answered on 16 Aug 2013
1 answer
When I run the Minifier on my assemblies it removes the CountFunction.  Is there a fix for that?
Tina Stancheva
Telerik team
 answered on 02 Aug 2013
3 answers
Hi there !

while using this tool how to select the assembles ? as suggested in blog i have selected 
  • Telerik.Windows.Controls.Docking.dll, 
  • Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll 
  • Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation.dll 
these assembles but the extracted DLL's giving me new errors in VS 10 as 

"The type or namespace name 'RadWindow' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) "

Attached screen shot showing the teletrik dll's in my solution.

This tool don't allow me to select all DLL's at once, this means no any o/p and no any error too. Its just does nothing.

So could anyone help me in "Selecting DLL's to Minifier"?

Updated ---

Here i also want to tell that i have a common location for all assemblies those are used in my solution across all 24 projects.
I tried minifier for individual project then it's working fine. for ex. Project1 requires Navigation and Control assemblies , and if i keep there minified version in separate folder than common one then my solution get build with no error. But i am confused here as before using the minifier and after minifier use my XAP size of that particular project is same where Navigation and Control assemblies are reduced in size so much.

Any one seen these types of issues ?

[Note : assembles selection means i want to know the bunch of DLL's we need to select for minifier. Like for docking we need Docking, Navigation and Windows.Controls DLL's. How to identify this ? I think previously my issue is "I am referring DLL's" from same shared locations across all project. correct me if i am wrong. ]

Thanks in advance.

Pavel R. Pavlov
Telerik team
 answered on 26 Jul 2013
7 answers
Telerik Assembly Minifier is a tool that lets you extract only the controls’ classes and resources you need to use in your application development, thus significantly reducing the size of the assemblies. Using the Assembly Minifier you will achieve significantly better loading time when the XAP files containing the minified (optimized) assemblies are to be loaded on the client side.

For more details, please visit the following blog post:
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 answered on 23 Jul 2013
2 answers

I've tried to minify a xap file with Xap minifier tool with no luck (the process never ends). Any help
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 answered on 19 Jun 2013
1 answer
I've tried to compress Telerik.Windows.Controls.Primitives.dll with no luck.
But Telerik.Windows.Controls.Input minified successfully.
I`m using RadControls for WP7 (2012.3.1311.2040)
Miro Miroslavov
Telerik team
 answered on 16 Jan 2013
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