In Q2 2014 the Telerik Just product teams concentrated on improving some frequently used features that you have voted for on our public feedback portals
Our primary goal is to continue to listen to your comments and
One of the most liked feature requests on the JustCode’s feedback portal was “Remove Unused References”. We listened and implemented. Now you can get rid of those references you’ve added to your project but didn’t actually use, executing just one command – JustCode’s “Remove Unused References”. You can easily start it from the context menu by right clicking on a project name in the Solution Explorer. To make sure you know exactly what’s happening, you will be presented with an information box showing you the references that are unused and could be removed.
With the Q2 2014
If you write unit tests that include mocking tests, it’s important to be able to run your tests together with the tests of your team on the CI build machine. And JustMock can help you with that as it can be installed on a build machine and there’s no need of purchasing a special license for that – just use the regular developer license that is available for JustMock. Of
The other Q2 2014 JustMock new features complement the rich set of mocking capabilities which JustMock offers you – link to the release notes.
You are next – we want you to speak up and share your feedback with us on our feedback
Happy coding!
Vladimir Dragoev is a product manager for Screen Builder at Telerik. Before Screen Builder, he worked on the Just* teams (JustCode, JustTrace, JustMock, JustDecompile) and on Telerik AppBuilder. He values user feedback a lot and shares it constantly with the product teams. Feel free to contact him on the Telerik Platform Feedback Portal ( or on Twitter @vdragoevtelerik(