Telerik blogs

Kendo UI

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Kendo UI Support

Check / Uncheck A TreeView Item When Clicking The Label

Which CSS Files To Use In Your Kendo UI Project

Building An Adaptive Grid and Scheduler for Kendo UI

Telerik OpenAccess ORM

How to: Rename Database Tables Without Breaking the Mapping and Losing Data
In this Knowledge Base article you will see how to rename your database tables and retain the mapping synchronization between your model and database.


Configuring language selector lead you to translated detail item page
The blog post describes the modification needed for making sitefinity language selector open the correct language version of the detail page for sitefinity content items in detail

Search box missing for document libraries in Sitefinity 6.0
This KB article gives a solution to the problem where document libraries can`t be searched in Sitefinity 6.0, the issue is fixed in Sitefinity 6.1

Solving 401 error when setting up sitefinity SSO
The KB article solves a configuration problem for configuring Sitefinity SSO.

Moving Azure connection string in web.config
The KB article samples the correct connection string assignment when moving the connecting string from DataConfig to web.config

Manually deploying your sitefinity projects to windows Azure

RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX

Updated article describing all of the different views that can be set to the RadScheduler control

Day View
Updated article describing the Day View that can be set to the RadScheduler control

Week View
Updated article describing the Week View that can be set to the RadScheduler control

Month View
Updated article describing the Month View that can be set to the RadScheduler control

TimeLine View
Updated article describing the TimeLine View that can be set to the RadScheduler control

Multi-Day View
Updated article describing the Multi-Day View that can be set to the RadScheduler control

RadControls for Windows 8 HTML

RadScheduler (new control)
Scheduler Overview
A new section in the documentation describing the new RadScheduler for Windows 8 HTML.

RadRadialMenu (new control)
RadRadialMenu Overview
A new set of documentation articles introducing the new RadRadialMenu for Windows 8 HTML.

RadColorPicker (new control)
RadColorPicker Overview
A new documentation section with articles describing RadColorPicker for Windows 8 HTML.

Schema with indices support
An article about the new schema feature that allows you to define types for your fields, indices for faster searching, auto-increment fields, etc.

Integration with DataStorage
A new article describing how you can bind to DataStorage using a new transport type in DataSource.

Date Selection
A new article about the selection types in RadCalendar and the new related calendars feature.

RadControls for Windows 8 XAML

RadControls for Windows 8 Q3, Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2013
A blog post with general information about the forthcoming Q3 2013 release and support for Windows 8.1.

RadMap (new control)
RadMap Overview
A new help section describing the new RadMap for Windows 8 XAML.

RadRadialMenu (new control)
RadRadialMenu Overview
A new help section describing the new RadRadialMenu for Windows 8 XAML.

RadRangeSlider ( new control)
RadRangeSlider Overview
A new help section describing RadRangeSlider for Windows 8 XAML.

RadControls for WinForms

Binding to EntityFramework using Database first approach.
This article will guide you thru the process of binding a RadGridView to a database using EntityFramework.

Change the active editor depending on the cell value type.
This article demonstrates how you can change the active editor at runtime depending of the cell value type. 

RadControls for Windows Phone 7

Use Azure as a cloud provider in your Windows Phone 8 app

RadControls for Windows Phone 8

Use Azure as a cloud provider in your Windows Phone 8 app

About the Author

Ivailo Ivanov

 is Team Lead in Telerik Data Access

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