Handling Error: Unable to retrieve result shape
This Knowledge Base article will show you how to handle the "Unable to retrieve result shape" error when your stored procedure uses temporary tables.
Verified Plugins Marketplace: Your Source for Verified Cordova/PhoneGap Plugins
This post describes the new
Verified Plugins Marketplace which contains a set of free-to-use fully documented plugins that come with easy to follow code samples.
Backend Services Responsive Images
This article will introduce you to the newly available
Responsive Images functionality
Integrating ASP.NET with a 3rd Party Security Service
This blog post discusses how to integrated the ASP.NET security model with the security services available in the Telerik Platform.
AJAX Control Toolkit Compatibility
This sticky forum thread explains the main specifics when using Telerik UI controls in conjunction with AJAX Control Toolkit.
Gantt Server events
New help article describing the server events of RadGantt control.
RadEditor Import and Export to Word
New help article that describes how to integrate the
Telerik Document Processing library to export/import the
RadEditor content to/from a
Word document.
RadHtmlChart Group RadHtmlChart Data Source
New Code Library article about manually grouping a data source, so that its structure is suitable for a chat data-binding.
This article shows how to conditionally load different ReadOnly/Edit DataTemplates, according to RadDataForm’s CurrentItem.
Paste on Mouse Position
This example demonstrates how customers can customize the paste operation in the RadDiagram. Also, they can paste RadDiagramConnections over activated RadDiagramConnector.
This article explains how filtering on converted values works.
This article answers different questions on exporting data.
Cell Background
This example demonstrates how to change GridViewCell's background based on a property from ViewModel.
This example demonstrates how to style conditionally RadGridView cells using a CellStyleSelector.
Column Selection
This example demonstrates how to select all cells from a column.
ControlPanel Events
This example demonstrates how to subscribe to events of ControlPanel's button.
Filtering boolean property
This example demonstrates how to show user-friendly text instead of True and False when filtering boolean property.
This example demonstrates how to style conditionally RadGridView rows using a RowStyleSelector.
Select single item in hierarchy
This example demonstrates how select single item in hierarchical GridView.
This example demonstrates how to perform validation with IDataErrorInfo Interface.
This article explains the Colorizer feature of the RadMap.
This article explains how the Clustering feature of the RadMap can be used.
Editor Attribute
RadPropertyGrid now provides support for the new Telerik attribute EditorAttribute that enables the user to define an editor for each property directly in its definition.
This article shows how to conditionally load different ReadOnly/Edit DataTemplates, according to RadDataForm’s CurrentItem.
Paste on Mouse Position
This example demonstrates how customers can customize the paste operation in the RadDiagram. Also, they can paste RadDiagramConnections over activated RadDiagramConnector.
This article explains how filtering on converted values works.
This article answers different questions on exporting data.
Cell Background
This example demonstrates how to change GridViewCell's background based on a property from ViewModel.
This example demonstrates how to style conditionally RadGridView cells using a CellStyleSelector.
Column Selection
This example demonstrates how to select all cells from a column.
ControlPanel Events
This example demonstrates how to subscribe to events of ControlPanel's button.
Filtering boolean property
This example demonstrates how to show user-friendly text instead of True and False when filtering boolean property.
This example demonstrates how to style conditionally RadGridView rows using a RowStyleSelector.
Select single item in hierarchy
This example demonstrates how select single item in hierarchical GridView.
This example demonstrates how to perform validation with IDataErrorInfo Interface.
This article explains the Colorizer feature of the RadMap.
This article explains how the Clustering feature of the RadMap can be used.
Editor Attribute
RadPropertyGrid now provides support for the new Telerik attribute EditorAttribute that enables the user to define an editor for each property directly in its definition.
Calendar Important Events
Added description for MonthStep property.
DateTimePicker RadDateTimePicker Properties
Added an
Editing Date and Time in RadDateTimePicker section.
GridView High Performance with RadGridView and Virtual Mode including Filtering, Sorting and Grouping
The article demonstrates how to bind
RadGridView to millions of rows and still keep it responsive while keeping the
Filtering and
Grouping capabilities.
Added description for DateTimeKind property.
MaskedEditBox Working with RadMaskedEditBox
Added description for FreeFormatDateTime property.
PdfViewer Manipulating programatically
Added description for EnableThumbnail property.
SplitContainer Properties
Added two new properties description.