Silverlight is a Blast!
And instead of trying to convince you, we present you a well-known game in its silverlit clothes. The minesweeper! It adds to other games that in the past several weeks have shown the ease with which you can use Silverlight to create online interaction and games. It uses no fancy frameworks but underlines the simplicity and straightforwardness of Silverlight development.
The number of mines and the rows/columns are configurable. To mark a mine - instead to click with the right mouse button, click with the left mouse button while holding the CTRL or SHIFT key.
Try the game:
Concepts presented:
- Controls in ver. 1.1: Control creation and reusing.
- Storyboards: Animations and reversing storyboards.
- Auto-Finding: Harness the power of reflection and forget about XAML to fields binding.
- Event Handling: Mouse and custom events galore!
- Function call delay: A simple call delay that fits in nicely wherever it is needed.