A true measure of our products’ quality is the opinion of the people who use them day by day. That is why we would like to give a word of gratitude to you, our customers, for your positive recognition of Telerik’s products in the Visual Studio Magazine (VSM) Readers Choice Awards 2010.
Telerik’s Web UI Test Studio, RadControls for Silverlight and Sitefinity CMS were ranked as a premier choice by the VSM audience in the categories Best QA & Testing Solution, Best Silverlight & RIA Development and Best Web Design & Development Tools. What’s more, we walked with a number of merits for TeamPulse, Reporting, RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX and RadControls for WPF.
And that’s not all. Developers, VSM readers, writers and editors all gave their contribution in nominating and honoring Telerik as the Top Component Vendor for 2010 with an Editor’s Choice Award.
Thank you all once again for your support and vote of trust!