Let’s face it: we did not get the response rate we expected for the Reporting case-study contest. Naturally, we were starting to wonder why, since Telerik Reporting is used by thousands of developers world-wide, and we have contacted them all regarding this contest. So the reason must be somewhere else. And just when we started scratching our heads, the reason presented itself before us. As with all things unexplainable, it was quite simple.
It turned out that time was not enough. As the deadline for submission got closer we started receiving numerous requests from clients for extending the deadline so that they have more time to prepare for the contest. To keep the competitive spirits alive, we decided to respect their requests and set a new deadline for case study submissions. This should give you some extra time for finishing up those WIP projects. And, in case you have missed the initial announcement about the Reporting case-study contest, this is your second chance to win one of the COOL PRIZES!
The new dates are:
Good luck to all!
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to current participants.
Vassil Petev is a Product Manager at Telerik. Loves gadgets, sailing, skiing and DJing.