This is an incredibly exciting time at Telerik. With the launch of the new Telerik Platform, we’ve expanded our ability to offer developers a complete end-to-end suite of tools and solutions that allow them to create rich, engaging applications no matter the device, form factor or operating system.
And on February 12th, we hosted our launch keynote, which gave you a better understanding of how the platform works and a demonstration of how you can leverage it. It was by far the largest online keynote Telerik has ever put on hosting approximately 8,000 attendees and fielding over 1,200 questions! The interest in our new tools is incredible and humbling and we want to thank everyone who attended the event.
If you weren’t able to catch the event, no worries, we’ve got you covered. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, head on over to the Telerik Platform Launch Keynote page, and sit back. You’ll be at the controls with the recorded video giving you an opportunity to catch-up on what we announced.
And while the keynote page is WAY cooler than just a video, if you simply need to see it now, we’ve embedded it below:
You may be chomping at the bit to just jump in and start building away. We’re developers and we totally get that. If that’s what you’re looking for, then here’s a nice roll-up for you:
We’ve worked hard to provide a ton of resources to get you started quickly so go build something!
This post wouldn’t be complete without giving shout-outs to our keynote prize winners. We gave away a lot of great prizes, including Amazon gift cards, Telerik Platform Pro subscriptions and of course the big prizes that everyone wanted:
And the winners of these awesome prizes are:
Congratulations to all the winners and a great thank you to all of you that attended our keynote!
Rey Bango is an advocate for cross-platform, standards-based development and a lover of the open web.