Telerik blogs

We are happy to announce that you can now explore our agile project management tool TeamPulse online, without having to install it. The online demo is a full-featured version of the product updated with the latest TeamPulse release.

agile project management tools demo 

The demo site is the perfect place to begin your evaluation of TeamPulse if you are short on time or just eager to work on an agile project and see the product in action. The demo includes a sample project, with meaningful data to serve as guidance and support during your evaluation time.

Try TeamPulse Online >>


For those of you who prefer to take their time and explore TeamPulse more thoroughly you can download the 60-day trial. You will be happy to notice a significant increase in speed and memory usage thanks to the service pack we introduced last week.

We hope you like the work we’ve done to make your evaluation experience with TeamPulse faster and easier.

Looking forward to your feedback and comments, here or in our forums.


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