With design and User Experience fast gathering momentum as the leading factors behind the success or failure of IT projects, we're continuing efforts here at telerik to make sure the RadControls suites stay at the forefront of presentation layer trends. We have been riding the waves with the introduction of our black skin (ever since Vista and Office 2007, black seems to be the new white in interface design), and we fully support both the Vista and the Office 2007 interface looks - for the
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So what's next? We thought we should ask you. We're running a short survey to start a conversation about telerik skinning - which skins do you use, which ones are not helpful and what should be the direction of telerik design in the future? Your responses will have THE say for the style of the upcoming skins in our next release and shape the look of telerik components in the future, so this is your chance to ask for all the eye-candy your projects need. In an effort to optimize our performance and continue to deliver the latest in interface design, we are also thinking about phasing out older skins and skins that are not that widely used, and this survey will help us pinpoint strengths we should build on and weaknesses we need to address.
So, I hope this is the start of an active dialogue. The survey is available at