We are coming close to yet another milestone release for Telerik automated testing tools. As usual, WebUI Test Studio product team focused on addressing all your previous feature requests and expectations. Q3 Release implements myriad of these for both WebUI Test Studio Developer and QA Editions.
No doubt, the new feature that will make all customers happy is support for Chrome. With the Q3 2010 release build you’ll be able to execute your tests on IE, FF, Safari and Chrome all at once:
Another highly-anticipated addition to WebUI Test Studio (QA Edition) is the scheduling and remote test execution functionality which allows testers to leverage their entire physical & virtual testing environment to schedule and execute test runs. Not only are users able to schedule/execute test runs across multiple machines, the tool will be automatically pooling all the test run results in a common repository to be analyzed from their own machine. Email notification service has been added, too.
Additional UI enhancements to test explorer allow users to easily regroup their test steps just by drag & drop and quickly edit their attributes without the need to go back to the recording surface. The new conditional logic feature allows users to neatly and codelessly insert more complex test scenarios by adding if/else, while/loop and loop x times functions to their test cases. Additionally, users can now extract a dynamic value from a page element, assign it to a variable, then use the variable later the test case without writing any code at all.
A brand-new test execution UI that allows for visual debugging is another major addition to the Q3 feature set. Testers now have the ability to set break-points to stop execution at certain steps, pause execution directly from the Test Execution interface or auto-pause on failure. What’s more, by using the Execution UI you can directly diagnose why a test step failed by launching DOM Explorer or Find Expression editor.
And even more is yet to come with the official launch of WebUI Test Studio version 2010.3 coming in a few short weeks.
Are you eager to get your hands on the new WebUI Test Studio? We’ll help you get started! Make sure to register for the What’s new in Q3 2010: WebUI Test Studio webinar and you’ll also have the chance to win a WebUI Test Studio Bundle (worth $2,999).
Fri, Nov 19, 2010 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST: WebUI Test Studio
The above webinar is part of the 5-day "What's New Webinar Week". During this week you will be able to discover all of the major new features Telerik is shipping in the Q3 2010 release. Book your seat for a chance to win a Telerik Premium Collection (worth $1,299), a WebUI Test Studio Bundle ($2,999) and a TeamPulse License for 10 users ($2,490).
Do not forget to check the Marketing team blog regularly in the next weeks to learn what’s cooking in the other products’ offerings.