Telerik blogs

emilyHey everybody - Emily from Telerik here! I am Telerik’s Community Program Manager; AKA your go-to geekette for give-a-ways and sponsorships in your community.

As you may already know, Telerik is a strong supporter of developer community initiatives. We’ve spent the past few years building a solid schedule of events and groups to sponsor around the globe. This includes: user groups, code camps, community conferences, Saturday events, TechFests, Days of .NET and more. We have active sponsorships in 6 continents and if you are a developer in Antarctica reading this, we’d love to sponsor all 7 continents. Since we started our sponsor program, we’ve never turned away a community member looking for support.

With tough economy times, support of these events is vital to the growth of educational and networking opportunities. By contributing this way, we look to aid in economic growth and job stability within the IT sector alongside other companies and organizations that provide support (INETA Community MegaphonePearson Education).

One way Telerik is committed to supporting the community is by offering a $100 discount on the purchase of Telerik software to each user group member. Feel free to contact sales for more information.

So, whether you are looking for sponsorship, aren’t sure if Telerik is already sponsoring or if you have an idea for a group and need help, please contact me at or follow me on Twitter @Teleriker. You can also find me snooping around our Telerik Facebook Fan page. I will look for your messages!

Ciao for now,

About the Author

Emily Hall

 is Team Leader. 


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