Let me guess – you just updated to Internet Explorer 11 and found that the ASP.NET project you are working on fails miserably? You can’t recognize your broken layout, content is all over the place, and you get tons of JavaScript errors?
This post shows you how to update your server to recognize IE11.
The problem is quite trivial – a bug in the browser detection under .NET 4. Perhaps you remember how IE10 came out and broke your pages with lots of JavaScript errors? The issue here is the same – these browsers were released after .NET4 and it does not recognize their User-Agent request header.
You can verify that browser detection is causing a problem by using Internet Explorer’s F12 Development tool to temporarily change the User-Agent string sent by the browser. To do so:
Of course, you can’t ask your users to do this—but you have three possible solutions to fix your site. I will list them here in the order I suggest you try them. If one does not work, move over to the next:
That wasn’t so hard, was it?
I hope this was yet another way Telerik helped with your development :)
Marin Bratanov was a Principal Technical Support Engineer in the Blazor division.