Earlier today my colleague Rumen posted a link to this great blog post by J Atwood from Vertigo Software:
I thought I should share it with our community as the ego of people, and especially that of the most knowledgeable and top performing people, is THE biggest problem of any organization. It kills teamwork, it doesn't leave room for self-improvement and it blinds the people, making them unaware of the context in which they are working.
That's actually one of the reasons why we have our own commandment - if you are working for telerik, you have to leave your ego outside of the office door. Believe me, it's not easy to create an egoless environment and it takes time to change the mindset of people that they are not rock stars and that they need to be humble in order to achieve something great.
As it's easier to preach than to practice what you preach it would be great if you guys share your experiences. Do you follow the commandments and, if so, which one is the toughest?