If you are planning to be near Bay Area tomorrow, January 5th, make sure to stop by the Microsoft Silicon Valley Center Building 1 for a session on testing and debugging Silverlight applications with Telerik automated testing tools. The presentation is 2 hours long and will start at 6:45pm.
The session will focus on best practices for testing Silverlight applications. Telerik WebUI Test Studio will be utilized to demonstrate the techniques and integration into Visual Studio 2010. Attendees will learn how to control the browser and automate standard HTML, MVC, JavaScript, AJAX and Silverlight elements; use built-in validations to prove that the application is performing as required, or build their own validations for special cases. Point-and-click techniques will be shown to build tests quickly, right in the browser. The presenter will also demonstrate how to analyze and communicate test results to the whole team by exporting or hooking up directly to Team Foundation Server.
The speaker, Lino Tadros, is the CEO of our partner Falafel Software, a Silicon Valley based company dedicated to providing world-class consulting, training, and software development services. Prior to founding Falafel, Lino was a member of the development team at Borland for Delphi and C++Builder. Mr. Tadros has been awarded Microsoft MVP status six years in a row for his numerous contributions to the C# community and is an expert in .NET, LINQ, ASP.NET, COM, and Web Services.
Learn more about Silverlight testing with WebUI Test Studio.