Telerik blogs

Yesterday a colleague of mine asked me a question about how to invoke a method of a base class' base class. Although it is possible it is not a good idea (read more on stackoverflow). The basic idea is to avoid MethodDesc::IsVtableMethod() check (see Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure). That said here is the code.


using System;
namespace BaseBaseDemo
    class A
        public virtual void M(string text)
            Console.WriteLine("A:M({0})", text);
    class B : A
        public override void M(string text)
            Console.WriteLine("B:M({0})", text);
    class C : B
        delegate void DelM(string text);
        public override void M(string text)
            var ptr = this.GetType()
            var m = typeof(DelM)
                    .GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(IntPtr) })
                    .Invoke(new object[] { this, ptr }) as DelM;
            m(text); // base.base.M(text);
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            new C().M("test");



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