Responsive Testing, OCR & More

Responsive Testing, OCR & More

Our product specialists demonstrate the Responsive Testing along with how you can seamlessly automate even the most challenging scenarios with the new Optical Character Recognition features.

In this webinar, we covered:
  • Responsive Web UI Testing—the new Responsive Testing test type allows you to test how your application’s responsive web design behaves under different form factors. Learn how to easily cover the Responsive Testing compatibility scenarios with your test automation.
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR)—backed by a powerful approach to object recognition, the new OCR features help you overcome the never-ending struggle with hard-to-automate elements. See a demo of how to validate entire images, extract and verify content from images or other elements and how to use it in action and verification steps.
  • Test Optimization—get useful tips and tricks about how to make test automation more stable and reliable.