April 17, 2011
New Features
Lists Module
Sharing Content
Pages & Content
Newsletter Module (Beta)
Note: Newsletters module is still in Beta and its use on production sites is not recommended.
Backend Language Packs
Data base support for:
Upgraded Telerik productivity tools
Fixes and Improvements
! Important Fixes (Upgrade is recommended)
Images, Videos, Documents and Files
Content & Classifications
Breaking Changes
LayoutTemplatePath should be used on the place of LayoutTemplateName in custom controls templates. (Blog Post)
ORM Mapping
The change in ORM mapping affects all custom modules using OpenAccess for data access. For instructions on upgrade, refer to this blog post:
Additional information on OA Fluent Mapping API:
Generic Content
This module is obsolete and will no longer be supported.
(We recommend transferring them to the Lists Module)
Generic Content Items which before the upgrade were not in published status (i.e. draft, scheduled, unpublished, or draft newer than published) need to be resaved in order to become visible in Content Blocks Widget. For a list of all items, see a log file: "~\App_Data\Sitefinity\Logs\ Generic Content items that should be saved manually.log"