Dynamic Column Group Summary from context menu

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  1. 1BC531F4-332D-4B88-97E3-6075D7A5C61E
    1BC531F4-332D-4B88-97E3-6075D7A5C61E avatar
    3000 posts
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    May 2009

    Posted 27 Nov 2010 Link to this post


    RadControls version 

     Q3 2010+

    .NET version 

     4.0 (though only small changes required for backward compatibility)

    Visual Studio version 


    programming language 

     VB.NET and C#

    Following a great suggestion in this forum thread about having the ability to be able to right click on a column group summary and change the aggregate, I've implemented this in an inherited RadGridView.

    A column group summary allows you to see summary information for a column, such as the sum, average etc.. Using the RadGridViewDynamicSummary project shows an easy to implement RadGridView that allows changing the aggregate function from a context menu. The items in the context menu are also dynamic delending on the column type and to enable or disable this function only requires one line of code

    Me.RadGridViewDynamicSummary1.EnableDynamicRowSummary(GridView.AggregateFunction.Max, _
              CType(Me.RadGridViewDynamicSummary1.Columns(1), GridViewDecimalColumn), _

    The grid raises events for when the dynamic summary is added, removed or changed and can be used as a standard RadGridView when not used to display column group summary information.

    hope this is useful to someone.
  2. F11ADD2A-840D-4563-BD9F-564CF2DD488A
    F11ADD2A-840D-4563-BD9F-564CF2DD488A avatar
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    Apr 2022

    Posted 30 Nov 2010 Link to this post

    Hello Richard,

    Thank you for providing yet another great code library project. I have updated your Telerik points accordingly.
    Keep up with the good work,
    the Telerik team
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