Kendo UI for Vue Native Rich Text Editor Overview
Our Vue Rich Text Editor enables the users to create rich textual content through a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) interface and delivers a set of tools for creating, editing, and formatting text, paragraphs, lists, and other HTML elements.
The Kendo UI for Vue Native WYSIWYG Editor is built on Vue, by a company with 19+ years of experience in making enterprise-ready components and UI widgets and uses the ProseMirror toolkit. This results in a Vue text editor that delivers lightning fast performance and is customizable.
Vue Rich Text Editor Demo
This demo implements some of the features that are available in the Kendo UI for Vue Native Text Editor.
- You can insert images to the content.
- The ordered and unordered lists allow for organizing multiple items in a semantic list element.
- We also used different table tools to show content in a tabular format.
- The text alignment tools allow us to position the content where we need it.
- The insert link tool was used to transform a text into a useful link where the reader can find more information.
- The Undo and Redo tools are added to allow going back and forth between different states of the text.
- Words and paragraphs can be modified to use different font types, sizes and styles (Bold, Italic, Underline…).
Kendo UI for Vue Native Rich Text Editor Features
Among the many features, which the Kendo UI for Vue Native Rich Text Editor delivers are:
- Ready-to-use, customizable toolset—The Vue Text Editor provides a rich set of built-in, user-interface tools. It also enables you to customize each one of them and/or add custom ones.
- Get and/or set HTML content—You can programmatically get the HTML content of the Vue Rich Text Editor and/or set an updated version.
- Sanitizing pasted HTML content—When a user pastes content, the WYSIWYG editor has the built-in functionality of sanitizing the content to match the editor’s formatting.
- Plugins—You have access to many plug-ins that provide various ways to extend and customize the functionality and features of the Vue Rich Text Editor.
- Modifying the schema—By modifying the default, built-in schema, you can add additional types of nodes and marks as well as edit and remove existing ones. This results in a more tailored experience for the users.
- Globalization—By using the available globalization options in Kendo UI for Vue Native, you can translate the Rich Text Editor messages by adapting them to specific culture locales.
- Theme support—The Kendo UI for Vue Native Editor, as well as all components in the Native suite, are styled in four polished themes (Bootstrap, Material, Default and Fluent) and can be further customized to match your specific design guidelines.
- Kendo UI for Vue Native Editor and all Native components are natively written with TypeScript and provide all the benefits of TypeScript, such as typings, IntelliSense and many others.
Support Options
For any issues you face while working with the Kendo UI for Vue Native Text Editor, use any of the available support channels:
- Kendo UI for Vue Native license holders and active trialists can take advantage of our outstanding customer support delivered by the developers building the library. To submit a support ticket, use the Kendo UI for Vue dedicated support system.
- Kendo UI for Vue Native forums are part of the free support you can get from the community and from the Kendo UI for Vue team on all kinds of general issues.
- Kendo UI for Vue Native feedback portal and Kendo UI for Vue roadmap provide information on the features in discussion and also the planned ones for release.
- You may need a tailor-made solution for your project. In such cases, go straight to Telerik Services.
Support and Learning Resources
- Editor Homepage
- Getting Started with the Kendo UI Vue Editor
- API Reference of the Editor
- Getting Started with Kendo UI for Vue - JavaScript (Online Guide)
- Getting Started with Kendo UI for Vue - TypeScript (Online Guide)
- Getting Started with Kendo UI for Vue - JavaScript + Options API (Online Guide)
- Getting Started with Kendo UI for Vue - TypeScript + Options API (Online Guide)
- Getting Started with Kendo UI for Vue - Nuxt 3 (Online Guide)
- Virtual Classroom (Training Course for Registered Users)
- Editor Forum
- Knowledge Base
- Kendo UI Productivity Tools extension for VS Code