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Column Virtualization

The KendoReact TreeList supports column virtualization.

To enable column virtualization, set the columnVirtualization property. As a result, the columns outside the current visible aria of the TreeList will not be rendered and the rendering performance of the component will be improved.

In order for the column virtualization to work properly, configure the following options:

  • (Required) Set width of each column.
  • (Required) Set overflow: auto and width in pixels through style of the TreeList.
  • (Required) Set { style: { tableLayout: 'fixed' } } through tableProps of the TreeList.
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Known Limitations

  • The column virtualization supports up to 1000 columns as the colSpan limit is 1000. As a workaround, a frozen(locked) column with no field and no width can be added after every 1000 columns as it divides the colspan between and after it.
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