
The SchedulerItem component is responsible for the visual part of an Item.

To expend the default SchedulerItem, set the item property to either the Scheduler or a specific view, to a modified version of the SchedulerItem component.

Customizing the Item Styles

To customize the styles of the SchedulerItem, we recommend using either style or className properties.

The following examples demonstrates customizing the background to a gradient one, based on the items orientation.

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Overriding the Children

To customize what is rendered inside the Scheduler item, provide the children property, or directly render the content inside the SchedulerItem. The SchedulerItemContent can be used as a wrapping element to achieve consistent styling.

The following examples demonstrates rendering custom nodes inside the default SchedulerItem component.

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Attaching Callback Handlers

The SchedulerItem exposes various callbacks like onClick and onKeyDown. Those callbacks can be used to attach custom functionality.

Providing a callback without calling the default one from the props, will prevent the default logic from executing.

The following example demonstrates attaching onFocus and onBlur handlers and showing a custom Popup next an item. We will be calling the default props.onFocus and props.onBlur callbacks to not brake anything.

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