The props of the KendoReact PDF Viewer component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
arrayBuffer? |
Represents the raw binary data buffer of the PDF file. | |
data? |
Represents the data of the PDF file in Base64 format. | |
defaultZoom? |
Represents the default zoom value. | |
maxZoom? |
Represents the maximum zoom value. | |
minZoom? |
Represents the minimum zoom value. | |
onDownload? |
Fires when the download tool has been clicked. To prevent the download, return | |
onError? |
Fires when an error occurs. | |
onLoad? |
Fires when a PDF document has been loaded. | |
onPageChange? |
Fires when the page has changed. | |
onRenderContent? |
Fires when the content component is about to be rendered. Use it to override the default appearance of the content. | |
onRenderLoader? |
Fires when the loading indication component is about to be rendered. Use it to override the default appearance of the loading. | |
onRenderToolbar? |
Fires when the toolbar component is about to be rendered. Use it to override the default appearance of the toolbar. | |
onZoom? |
Fires when the zoom has changed. | |
saveFileName? |
Represents the file name used to save the file when the user clicks the download tool. | |
saveOptions? |
Represents the options for saving the file when the user clicks the download tool. | |
style? |
Represents the additional styles which will be added to the PDF Viewer component. | |
tools? |
Represents the tools collection rendered in the toolbar. |
typedArray? |
Represents the data of the PDF file in typed array format. | |
url? |
Represents the url of the PDF file. | |
zoom? |
Represents the zoom value of the document. | |
zoomLevels? |
Represents the zoom levels populated in the ComboBox component. | |
zoomRate? |
Represents the zoom rate value. |