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Keyboard Navigation

Managing the Focus

Focusable elements in the TabStrip components are:

  • Selected Tab
  • Tab Content/Panel

The tab items focusing mechanism is roving tabindex. Only the active tab should have tabindex="0", the remaining tabs should have tabindex="-1".

Keyboard Shortcuts

When end is reached, the first tab is focused. When start is reached, the last tab is focused.

Up Arrow & Down ArrowVertical Orientation shortcuts. Activates the previous/next tab, or current tab if there is no active tab.
Left Arrow & Right ArrowHorizontal Orientation shortcuts. Activates the previous/next tab, or current tab if there is no active tab.
TabFocuses the content for the active navigation item.
Shift + TabNavigates to the previous focusable element on the navigation.
EnterActivates the tab item if automatic selection is not enabled.
HomeFocuses the first item and activates it, if automatic selection is enabled.
EndFocuses the last item and activates it, if automatic selection is enabled.


ARIA Authoring Practices: Tabs with Automatic Activation

ARIA Authoring Practices: Selection Follows Focus

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