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Keyboard Shortcuts

Up ArrowMoves up the split-bar in a vertical Splitter.
Down ArrowMoves down a split-bar in a vertical Splitter.
Left ArrowMoves left a split-bar in a horizontal Splitter.
Right ArrowMoves right a split-bar in a horizontal Splitter.
Ctrl/Cmd(Mac) + Up ArrowMoves the splitbar up to collapse/expand the adjacent panes in the up direction.
Ctrl/Cmd(Mac) + Down ArrowMoves the splitbar down to collapse/expand the adjacent panes in the down direction.
Ctrl/Cmd(Mac) + Left ArrowMoves the splitbar left to collapse/expand the adjacent panes in the left direction.
Ctrl/Cmd(Mac) + Right ArrowMoves the splitbar right to collapse/expand the adjacent panes in the right direction.
EnterToggles the collapsed state of the nearest collapsible pane.
TabThe key that allows focusing a splitter bar. Thus, all splitbars have tabindex and are included in the tab sequence.

Note 1:** The "splitter bar/split-bar" is the section between two panes that allows collapsing/resizing.

Note 2:** Splitter bars can be expanded/collapsed when double clicked apart from clicking on the expand/collapse icon element. Double-clicking (or Enter key) toggles the closest collapsible pane (left pane has priority over right pane if both are collapsible).

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