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Getting Started with the KendoReact Form

This guide provides essential information about using the KendoReact Form package. You will learn how to install the package, add a Form component to your project, style the component, and activate your license.

After completing this guide, you will be able to reproduce the following example.

Change Theme
Loading ...

Setting Up Your React Project

Before you install the KendoReact Form, make sure that you have a running React project. The easiest way to set up a React project is to use the Create React App approach that is described in the Get Started with KendoReact article.

Installing the Form Package

All KendoReact packages are distributed through npm and offer a similar installation experience. To use the Form component, start with the installation of the Form npm package and its dependencies. Use Node.js v5.0.0 or later.

npm install --save @progress/kendo-react-form @progress/kendo-licensing

Importing the Component

In the src/App.js file of your React project, import the Form, Field, and FormElement components from the Form package, and then the Error and Input components:

  • The FormElement is a small wrapper for an HTML form element that automatically attaches the Form component's onSubmit event and provides the handy render prop as well as some useful CSS classes.
  • The Field component is needed to render inputs.
  • The Error component from the Error package allows you to display error text messages.
  • The Input component from the Inputs package allows users to submit values.
// ES2015 module syntax
 import { Form, Field, FormElement } from '@progress/kendo-react-form';
 import { Error } from '@progress/kendo-react-labels';
 import { Input } from '@progress/kendo-react-inputs';
// CommonJS format
const { Form, Field, FormElement } = require('@progress/kendo-react-form');
const { Error } = require('@progress/kendo-react-labels');
const { Input } = require('@progress/kendo-react-inputs');

Using the Component

  1. Create an emailRegex in order to validate the user's email address and an emailInput component that will render the input field.

    const emailRegex = new RegExp(/\S+@\S+\.\S+/)
    const emailValidator = value => emailRegex.test(value) ? "" : "Please enter a valid email."
    const EmailInput = fieldRenderProps => {
    const {
    } = fieldRenderProps;
    return <div>
     <Input {...others} />
    {visited && validationMessage && <Error>{validationMessage}</Error>}
  2. Handle the onSubmit event by creating a handler function.

    const App = () => {
    const [messages, setMessages] = React.useState(initialMessages);
    const addNewMessage = (event) => {
    setMessages([...messages, event.message]);
  3. Add the component's markup to the src/App.js file in your project and set the Form's name, component, label, and validator. Optionally, set the maxWidth.

    return (
            render={(formRenderProps) => (
                <FormElement style={{ maxWidth: 650 }}>
                    <fieldset className={'k-form-fieldset'}>
                        <legend className={'k-form-legend'}>Please fill in the fields:</legend>
                        <div className="mb-3">
                            <Field name={'firstName'} component={Input} label={'First name'} />
                        <div className="mb-3">
                            <Field name={'lastName'} component={Input} label={'Last name'} />
                        <div className="mb-3">
                    <div className="k-form-buttons">
                            className="k-button k-button-md k-rounded-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base"
  4. To style the Form, install and import the Default theme, which is one of the three beautiful themes for KendoReact.

    4.1. Install the Default theme package.

    npm install --save @progress/kendo-theme-default

    4.2. Import the CSS file from the package in src/App.js. Add this import before your existing App.css import.

    import '@progress/kendo-theme-default/dist/all.css';
  5. Build and run the application by typing the following command in the root folder of your project.

    npm start
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the KendoReact Form component on the page.

Activating Your License Key

Using any of the UI components in the KendoReact library requires either a commercial license key or an active trial license key.

Follow the instructions on the KendoReact My License page to activate your trial or commercial license. You can skip this step if your application already contains a KendoReact license file.


The Form package requires you to install the following peer dependencies in your application:

Package NameDescription
react 16.8.2*Contains the functionality necessary to define React components.
react-domContains the React renderer for the web.
@progress/kendo-licensingContains the internal infrastructure related to licensing.

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