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Keyboard Navigation

Keyboard Shortcuts

Down ArrowSelects the next available item.
Up ArrowSelects the previous available item.
Alt/Opt(Mac) DownOpens pop up
Alt/Opt(Mac) Up or Esc`Closes popup
EnterSelects and confirm the focused item.
SpaceSelects and confirm the focused item.
printable charactersTyping "M" or any other printable character should select the next or first item in the list
EscClears the value when the popup is not open.

The TreeView element inside the Popup should implement the KB specification for a TreeView component.

TreeView specification

The items in the TreeView should not be selectable when used in the MultiSelectTreeView. Hence, when clicking (or pressing Enter/Space) on an item, it should not receive the .k-selected class.


ARIA Authoring Practices: Combobox Pattern

ARIA Authoring Practices: Select-Only Combobox

ARIA Authoring Practices: Navigation Treeview

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