Represents a rectangle with a set origin (top-left corner) and size(see example).
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cornerRadius |
The size of the rectangle. | |
origin |
The origin (top-left corner) of the rectangle. | |
size |
The size of the rectangle. |
(origin: Point | number[], size: number[] | Size, cornerRadius?: number | number[])
Creates a rectangle geometry with the specified parameters.
Point | number[]
The origin (top-left corner) of the rectangle or an equivalent `[x, y]` array.
number[] | Size
The size of the rectangle or an equivalent `[width, height]` array.
number | number[]
The corner radius of the rectangle as a single number or an `[rx, ry]` array.
bbox | ||||||
Returns the bounding box of this rectangle after applying the specified transformation matrix. | ||||||
| ||||||
bottomLeft | ||||
Gets the position of the bottom-left corner of the rectangle. This is also the rectangle origin. | ||||
bottomRight | ||||
Gets the position of the bottom-right corner of the rectangle. | ||||
center | ||||
Gets the position of the center of the rectangle. | ||||
clone | ||||
Creates a new instance with the same origin and size. | ||||
equals | ||||||
Compares this rectangle with another instance. | ||||||
| ||||||
fromPoints | |||||||||
Creates a Rect instance that contains the points given as arguments. | |||||||||
| |||||||||
getOrigin | ||||
Gets the origin (top-left point) of the rectangle. | ||||
getSize | ||||
Gets the rectangle size. | ||||
height | ||||
Gets the height of the rectangle. | ||||
setCornerRadius | ||||||
Sets the corner radius of the rectangle. | ||||||
| ||||||
setOrigin | ||||||
Sets the origin (top-left point) of the rectangle. | ||||||
| ||||||
setSize | ||||||
Sets the size of the rectangle. | ||||||
| ||||||
topLeft | ||||
Gets the position of the top-left corner of the rectangle. This is also the rectangle origin. | ||||
topRight | ||||
Gets the position of the top-right corner of the rectangle. | ||||
union | |||||||||
Creates a new Rect instance that encloses the two rectangles given as arguments. | |||||||||
| |||||||||
width | ||||
Gets the rectangle width. | ||||