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Keyboard Navigation
Managing the Focus
Initial focus is on the selected time.
The time dropdown tab sequence is: hours part, minutes part, seconds part, Cancel button, Set button, Now button (activated on Enter). The tab key is trapped in the popup.
Enhanced Mouse UX - when mouse is over a timelist - it gets the focus.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Actions applied to the input:
Shortcut | Behavior |
Esc | Closes the popup |
Alt/Opt(Mac) + Down | Opens the popup |
Alt/Opt(Mac) + Up | Closes the popup |
Up | Increases the value of the time segment that is highlighted. |
Down | Decreases the value of the time segment that is highlighted. |
Left | Moves to previous time segment in the input. |
Right | Moves to next time segment in the input. |
Backspace | Deletes value of the time segment. |
Actions applied to the popup
Shortcut | Behavior |
Esc | Closes the popup |
Shift + Tab or Left | Focuses previous carousel. |
Tab or Right | Focuses next carousel. |
Down | Selects next value in the carousel. |
Up | Selects previous value in the carousel. |
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