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Keyboard Navigation

Managing the Focus

Initial focus is on the selected time.

The time dropdown tab sequence is: hours part, minutes part, seconds part, Cancel button, Set button, Now button (activated on Enter). The tab key is trapped in the popup.

Enhanced Mouse UX - when mouse is over a timelist - it gets the focus.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Actions applied to the input:

EscCloses the popup
Alt/Opt(Mac) + DownOpens the popup
Alt/Opt(Mac) + UpCloses the popup
UpIncreases the value of the time segment that is highlighted.
DownDecreases the value of the time segment that is highlighted.
LeftMoves to previous time segment in the input.
RightMoves to next time segment in the input.
BackspaceDeletes value of the time segment.

Actions applied to the popup

EscCloses the popup
Shift + Tab or LeftFocuses previous carousel.
Tab or RightFocuses next carousel.
DownSelects next value in the carousel.
UpSelects previous value in the carousel.
Change Theme
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See Also