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Keyboard Navigation

Managing the Focus

The Sankey comes with keyboard navigation enabled out of the box. The main interactive parts of the Sankey diagram are reachable through the keyboard - the nodes and links.

Keyboard Navigation

Once the Sankey element receives focus via the keyboard, the focus highlight will be displayed on the first node. Navigation through nodes and links is controlled using the arrow keys. Pressing Tab moves the focus out of the Sankey to the next focusable element on the page. Clicking on a node or link moves the focus to the clicked element without drawing a focus highlight.

TabMoves the focus to the next focusable element on the page.
Shift + TabMoves the focus to the previous focusable element on the page.
Up arrow keyIf the focus is on a node, moves to the node above (if it exists). If the focus is on a link, moves to the link above (if it exists) within the same source or target links collection as the focused link.
Down arrow keyIf the focus is on a node, moves to the node below (if it exists). If the focus is on a link, moves to the link below (if it exists) within the same source or target links collection as the focused link.
Left arrow keyIf the focus is on a node, moves to its first link on the left side (if it exists). If the focus is on a link, moves to the node on the left side of the focused link.
Right arrow keyIf the focus is on a node, moves to its first link on the right side (if it exists). If the focus is on a link, moves to the node on the right side of the focused link.
Escape keyMoves the focus to the topmost first node of the Sankey.

The following example demonstrates the Sankey Chart keyboard navigation in action.

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Disable Keyboard Navigation

To disable the keyboard navigation, set the disableKeyboardNavigation property to true.

See Also